Products » Services » Engineering Services » Computer Aided Design

With the complexities of today's manufacturing, working with solid models is the medium of choice to accurately communicate requirements between customers and suppliers.
The entire contract review process is streamlined with 3D models as it precisely defines all requirements. High Performance Seals' SolidWorks system is capable of reading the following CAD formats:
SolidWorks Part Files (.prt, .sldprt) | VRML (.wrl) |
SolidWorks Assembly Files (.asm, .sldasm) | STL (.stl) |
SolidWorks Drawing Files (.drw, .slddrw) | Catia Graphics (.cgr), |
DXF (.dxf), DWG (.dwg) | ProEngineer Part (.prt, .prt, .xpr), |
Lib Feat Part (.lfp, sldlfp) | ProEngineer Assembly (.asm, .asm, .xas), |
Template (.prtdot, .asmdot, .drwdot) | UGII (.prt), |
Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b, .smt_txt, xmt_bin) | Autodesk Inventor Part (.ipt), |
Stereolithographic (.stl) | Autodesk Assembly (.iam), |
IGES (.igs, .iges) | Solid Edge Part (.par, .psm), |
STEP AP203/214 (.step, .stp) | Solid Edge Assembly (.asm) |
IFC 2x3 (.ifc) | CADKEY (.prt, .ckd), |
ACIS (.sat) | IDF (.emn, .brd, .bdf, idb). |
VDAFS (.vda) | Rhino (.3dm) |
We also use SolidWorks Product Data Management as a part of our CAD system to tightly control print and model versions. It ensures the correct version of the print or model is in use at all times.